Cooking basics are crucial for achieving success in the kitchen. It takes time and practice to gain confidence in this skill. Being comfortable with choosing what to cook, when to cook, and trying out new recipes is key. This guide will provide you with a series of fundamental steps that will assist in boosting your confidence in the kitchen.

avocado, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, spring onions, and leaves
avocado, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, spring onions, and leaves
The Basic Tips To Cooking Perfect Pasta
The Basic Tips To Cooking Perfect Pasta

Making Perfect Pasta

Cooking perfect pasta is not as simple as it may seem. There is a method to achieving the perfect texture and taste. Nothing is more disappointing than ending up with gummy, overcooked pasta or pasta that is undercooked. It is crucial to read the instructions on the box carefully in order to get it right. Each shape of pasta may require a different cooking time, so it is important to have the knowledge of how long to cook it. To help you create the best pot of pasta ever, here are some best practice steps to follow.

Follow these easy tips:

  • Always start with a large, heavy pot

  • Add cold not hot fresh water

  • Include a double dash of salt

  • Splash of olive oil

  • Bring water to rapid boil

  • Read directions on pasta box for cook time (el dente is best, do not overcook)

  • Add pasta, turn heat down to a medium boil

  • Once done - pour into a colander-DO NOT RINSE

(this helps sauce adhere to pasta)

  • Pour small amount of sauce into bowl

  • Using a pasta fork or tongs, add strands of pasta over sauce

  • Spoon more sauce on top of pasta

  • Garnish with grated parmesan & chopped parsley

Easy-Peasy! - Serve immediately & enjoy!!

Creating A Vinaigrette

Making your own vinaigrette is an essential skill that can easily be changed frequently once you have the standard keys.

3 parts oil

1 part vinegar

Dash of salt/pepper

Pinch of sugar

Pinch of fresh herbs (if desired)

1 tbs mustard, mayo, honey, or ketchup (to make creamy)

Blend well for a quick custom flavor dressing or marinade

Blanching Vegetables

Blanching is a cooking technique that involves quickly cooking vegetables in boiling water. This method allows the vegetables to retain their vitamins, crispness, and vibrant color. By immersing the vegetables briefly in the boiling water and then immediately transferring them to ice-cold water, blanching helps to preserve their nutritional value and texture. The process of blanching is ideal for preparing vegetables that will be used in salads, stir-fries, or as side dishes, as it ensures that they remain firm yet tender. Moreover, blanching helps to remove any dirt or impurities from the vegetables, making them ready for consumption or further culinary preparations. Overall, blanching is an effective and efficient method to preserve the quality and freshness of vegetables while enhancing their taste and appearance.


Bring water in pot to rolling boil

Drop veggies in for about 2 minutes or until they turn bright green

Immediately remove & put into an ice bath to stop the cooking

Return veggies to pot & season with salt, peeper, lemon, butter, & olive oil

Warm & serve

green peas on top of brown wooden chopping board
green peas on top of brown wooden chopping board

Plating Food

Plating food for presentation is crucial in achieving the desired outcome of your meal.

Using an appropriate-sized plate is essential to avoid overcrowding the food or serving it on a chilled plate that may cause it to cool rapidly.

Carefully considering the plate you will use, whether for serving or eating, is important. It is beneficial to practice on yourself first in order to improve your skills and efficiency in the kitchen.

When serving individual plates of food, there are certain best practices to keep in mind.

From every day eating to entertaining, using oven proof dishes is the best bet.


Warm oven to 250 degrees

Place plate in warm oven 10 minutes before serving

Carefully remove plates from oven w/mitts as needed to place food onto the warm plate

This technique will keep all food at the perfect temperature


Try these tips to become a pro in the kitchen!

a close-up of a bug
a close-up of a bug

Boiling An Egg

"Mastering the Art of Egg-Boiling: Step-by-Step Guide for Perfectly Cooked Eggs w/this kitchen hack!

There are many ways to enjoy hard boiled eggs, but cooking it properly makes all the difference.

It sounds simple enough, and it can be. But if the correct cooking method isn't used, you will end up destroying the whites due to the shell not coming off smoothly.

So here's the key (or hack) to make perfect hard boiled eggs with easy to remove shells.


  • 1 heavy pot large enough to put eggs in single layer

  • 3-6 eggs

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

  • 1 large bowl for ice bath

  • 1 cup of ice


  • Fill pot with enough cold water to cover eggs

  • Gently add eggs one at a time to pot

  • Turn burner on medium high & simmer eggs until lightly boiling

  • Add 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda

  • Allow eggs to continue to cook keeping separate from one another to avoid cracking

  • Boil for 12-15 minutes & turn off flame

  • Let eggs stay in water another 8-10 minutes

  • Prepare ice bath: ice into a bowl cover ice with water

  • Transfer eggs into the ice water bath for 5 minutes or until completely cool

  • Remove one at a time & crack down the middle, then across

  • Under running water, gently begin to remove the shell

  • Once the 1st section is off the rest will peel off very easily

  • Now slice, dice, eat, or garnish your perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs!

No worries, a Deviled Egg recipe is coming!!

brown round fruit on stainless steel tray
brown round fruit on stainless steel tray
white egg on brown egg tray
white egg on brown egg tray
boiling water
boiling water